Sunday, May 18, 2008

the debate finals (=

that up us..

the finals was this mornin..haha..
it's amazing how we could crash all those information into our tiny lil' brain juz in 1 nite..(=
yes..i'm proud of ourselves..haha..

we lose by 1 vote..but it's fine..
coz i think we did a reli good job considering the time we had to prepare was so short..
and we didn't know anythin bout the stuffs between Iraq and the U.S till like..yesterday??lol..
besides that...we met sum real hot hunks!!well hunk actually..singular..xD
but the others were cute..and a pretty gerl too..haha..

so the conclusion is..we really enjoyed ourselves very very seriously..=D
i'm so glad we did not withdraw from the contest..we rock~!!