Tuesday, May 20, 2008

a not-so-good-day

today..1st two periods were spent in a meeting room..like..seriously..
some briefing for the leadership thingy...puh-leeeaseee~...
go Mr.Fong....so loveeee your speeches(c'mon..)..

oh yea..got my chinese exam paper..with the unfinished essay...xD
wasn't that bad i guess..not that good either..haha..

then after skool..we celebrated the birth of a new Mc~!!! =D
i know..it's so seriously cool..hahahaha...
our new Mc is Amos..Amos McKaran (=
so we have three Mc's who reads Artemis Fowl..sweet!!haha..

right..after that..went to the hall for the..leadership thingy..
seriously...it was so....u know...haha..
heard them talk..and talk..and talk..and talk...again...zZz...
but i was havin my own fun talkin to McJay-Z..(=

halfway thru the session..i suddenly found myself in a volleyball court..at Likas Kompleks..
lol..was under the really hot sun..being a freakin photographer..
and i saw this dude..he was like...SO FREAKIN THIN~!!!SERIOUSLY ALARMINGLY THIN!!
even thinner than McStick..and longer!!!!i so scared his legs patah oh...xD

i finally solved my problems..i think la..
at least i don hav to think so much about it...
though..i officially dislike keningau now..
and the chemistry book is fine with me.....xD

P.S:sorry McKitty..for your banging thing..get well soon..u hav all my wishes (=
remember i still haven't chop off your freakin trees..haha..

-so close..but seriously..still so far-

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